Pubblichiamo lo studio della socia sostenitrice Marina Mastropierro presentato al termine del master di II livello in Fonti, Strumenti e Metodi per la Ricerca Sociale – Sapienza Università di Roma – Facoltà di Scienze Statistiche
‘Identità al negativo’
lavoratori atipici e nuove identità sociali
Marina Mastropierro Fiorenza Deriu
Work no longer seems to constitute a factor of social identity, the means through which we define ourselves appear to have been shifted into the private sphere and the importance of the role of emotions. Insecurity, the underlying characteristic of our time, comes to blows on a strictly private terrain rather than arising as a collective issue capable of opening up a new political debate.
By applying a statistic model of binary logistic regression to the Lavoratori Senza (workers without) dataset, the framework of a strongly dissatisfied social identity is highlighted, an identity that has folded back on itself, which we could call ‘negative social identity’. Dissatisfaction and a lack of faith in the future become the social protagonists of a fraying and worn-out collective fabric.
First of all, the ‘occupational configuration’ employee variable was split into ‘atypical’ and ‘typical’ types. Two models were then developed, one of which describes the social identity of the atypical worker and the other identifies its structural features. Dissatisfaction emerges in the first instance in terms of the worker’s occupational precariousness and a lack of faith in the future; in the second instance importance is placed on income as an element of considerable discrimination between the different types of workers.
Bringing ‘work’ back to the centre of the sociological debate seems to be the preferred channel to observe the changes that are taking place and to challenge the condition of unsicherheit in which we have come to find ourselves.
Key words: postfordismo, lavoro atipico, unsicherheit, identità al negativo, regressione logistica
Roma, 20 Febbraio 2010
Realizzato con il contributo della Regione Puglia, Fondo per il finanziamento di progetti e attività di interesse generale nel Terzo Settore Avviso n. 1/2018 “Puglia Capitale Sociale 2.0” – LINEA A. CUP B63J2000050009